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Bugtracking at Rice University

A bugtracker is now available to provide a means for developers to collaborate and track the progression of the following projects at Rice University.

To get started, simply type your email address as your login name and a password will be mailed directly to you. If you forget your password at any time, you can simply return to the bug tracking web site, enter your login name (email address) and click on the email password button. A new password will be generated for you.

You can review the official documentation for PHP Bugtracker, but the basic issue to understand is the workflow.

  1. Users must create an account if they are to add or modify bugs. If you simply need to view the status of a particular project or bug, you do not need an account.
  2. Users report a bug for the first time. When a bug is reported, it is not yet assigned to a developer. It is assigned to "Nobody". It is up to the users to assign the bug to a developer. Once you have added a bug, a list of bugs that you have submitted is available to quickly make changes and / or assign the bug to a developer.
  3. When changes are made to a bug, an email is sent to the person who reported it and to the person to whom the bug is assigned. However, email is not sent to the person who is making the changes to the bug. So, if a bug has been submitted and assigned to a developer, and then the developer adds comments to the bug, then those comments will be emailed to the reporter but not to the developer. Additional people can be added to receive these change emails by adding them to the CC list. To remove people from the CC list, simply select the people to be removed and submit the form. You can add / remove people at any time from the bug report list.
  4. Files can be added to a bug as attachments by clicking on the Create Attachment link. This will bring up another form where you can supply a short description and browse for the file to be uploaded. Attachments can be viewed (and can be deleted by administrators) from the attachment list.

PHP Bug Tracker defines the following groups of users.

  • Users - Creating an account via the web page only provides you with a means to add and modify existing bugs. You are considered a regular user versus a developer. While you can CC an individual (including yourself), on a bug report, not everyone is a considered a developer by default. You cannot assign bugs to a regular user, only developers.
  • Developers - Typically, there are numerous individuals reporting bugs, but only a handful of developers who actually have the ability to modify the code. If you need to be added to the developer list, just send email to
  • Administrators - have full access to administrative tools available to modify the entire PHP Bugtracking application.
